Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Martha Stewart tweets her way around Israel

On Tourism Ministry-funded trip, media personality is expected to support Dead Sea candidacy to win Wonders of Nature competition.

Media personality Martha Stewart arrived in Israel last Thursday for a trip funded by the Tourism Ministry, and has been tweeting her way around the country.

Stewart’s travel itinerary includes trips to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Galilee, Masada, and the Dead Sea. She is expected to support the Dead Sea’s candidacy to win in the international New 7 Wonders of Nature competition.

Stewart has been posting tweets about her adventures in Israel, such as eating dinner at the market in Jerusalem, attending a Shabbat meal for 160 guests, and visiting a dairy farm with “award winning cheese.”
“Don’t get excited. I am on a serious tour of ancient history. No more. No less,”  she jokingly posted on Sunday afternoon.

She also posted a photo of “giant medjool dates,” which she said were “served with excellent cappuccino on the road from Tiberius to Jerusalem” on Sunday afternoon.