Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let the world know about high quality products and services that originate in Israel - Buy Israel Week coming soon…

   From November 28 – December 4, Buy Israel Week sponsors will benefit from a marketing package that includes print exposure in 500,000 households across the US, as well as comprehensive social media outreach through “I Buy Israel” Facebook ads and pages, blog features, Facebook and Twitter contests, YouTube videos and daily “Seriously Surprising Deals” featuring Israeli product giveaways.

   Manufacturers of Israeli products have the opportunity to offer a BOGO deal or coupon that can be redeemed at merchants around the country. Sponsorship includes editorial and print advertising options. Local merchants in the US can participate by offering a seriously surprising jdeal — typically a 50% discount off a product or service. Other Israeli and US companies are invited to participate as corporate sponsors to receive powerful brand exposure and online and print ad opportunities.

Sponsorship packages are available.

Let the world know about the high quality goods and services that proudly originate in Israel. 

Follow on Twitter @BuyIsraelWeek
Find on Facebook:

During Buy Israel Week, this web site will be set up as an online coupon book.  You will be able to download for free an array of coupons from Israeli manufacturers that can be redeemed at various merchants across the US.  You will also be tantalized by major discount offers from local merchants and artists in New York, Northern New Jersey, Chicago, Los Angeles, South Florida and Washington, DC.

A special supplement will be also featured beginning November 17 in Jewish newspapers serving these regions - The New York Jewish Week, New Jersey Jewish Standard, Chicago Jewish News, Los Angeles Jewish Journal, Tribe Magazine, Florida Jewish Journal and Washington Jewish Week.

To make it even more fun and exciting, stay tuned for online raffle contests and daily seriously surprising deals, brought to you by!

And make sure to visit our site often to see the companies that will be participating in Buy Israel Week.

Opportunities are available for national sponsorships, local merchants and affiliates.  To learn more about how your business or organization can get involved in Buy Israel Week, contact us.


Click To View Video

On Nov. 29, 2009, friends of Israel across Canada gathered together to show support for Mountain Equipment Co-op's Ethical Sourcing Policies, and to purchase made-in-Israel products. This video is about the BUYcott event in Vancouver.