Sunday, September 25, 2011

Israelis train rescue squads in NATO drill

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A delegation of 17 Israelis from the IDF's Home Front Command, Magen David Adom emergency services and Israel Police trained over 1000 soldiers in a recent NATO drill in Moldova.

Delegations from Turkey, Holland, Greece, Italy and Britain participated in the drill where crews were confronted with a number of scenarios including a strong earthquake in which heavy damage was sustained and thousands killed and injured, heavy flooding, a civilian plane crash and the leakage of hazardous substances.

Israeli officials were chosen to train the commanders because of the vast experience Israeli emergency squads have had in dealing with emergency situations such as that in Haiti last year.

In January 2010 Israel dispatched a delegation of soldiers, doctors and other rescue staff to assist in searching for survivors and treating the wounded in quake stricken Haiti. Israel received international praise for the field hospital it set up where it treated over 500 people a day.