Friday, September 2, 2011

Arabs for Israel - Muslims for Israel - Ismail Khaldi

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Arab Bedouin, Ismail Khaldi exposes Palestinian (Pallywood) lies of Israel being a "Apartheid State". As an Arab, he is treated as well as a Jew. He is one of the most well respected soldiers in the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) and is into Israeli Politics. He explains how Arabs are well treated by Israel and live better than when they did under Arab rule. He is not the only well known Arab Bedouin in the IDF, Israeli captain and war hero, Amos Yarkoni (born Abd el-Majid Hidr) was one of the best Israeli war hero of the 1940's during the Arab-Israeli War. Even "Palestinians" are racist against Bedouins, Druze, Baha'i and Gypsies (Domari people).


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Ismail Khaldi (born 1971) is the first Bedouin deputy consul of Israel and the nation's first high ranking Muslim diplomat in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Early life and education
The third of eleven children, Ishmael Khaldi lived in a Bedouin tent until he was 8 years old. He walked four miles round trip to attend school and tended flocks of sheep. He said his family's ties with its Jewish neighbors go back to the days of the early Zionist pioneers from Eastern Europe who settled in the Galilee region in the 1920s.

Khaldi earned a bachelors degree in political science from the University of Haifa and a masters degree in political science and international relations from Tel Aviv University. He served in the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Israel Police, and in the Israel Defense Forces as a political analyst.

Khaldi initiated a project called "Hike and Learn with Bedouins in the Galilee" that has brought thousands of young Jews to the village of Khawalid to learn about Bedouin culture and history. He said these encounters inspired him to become a diplomat.

Khaldi began working for the Israeli Foreign Ministry in 2004. In June 2006, he was appointed to serve in San Francisco, California, US. In August 2009 Khaldi was appointed advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman.

Political stances and opinions
Khaldi says there is still a long way to go before the Bedouin minority achieves full equality in Israel, but he reported that the situation is improving, and more Bedouins are graduating from high school, entering universities and getting better jobs than ever before.

“There are differences in tradition and religion between us, but at the end of the day we are all Israeli citizens.”