Wednesday, August 31, 2011

IDF Develops Spy Robot Snake with 'Suicide' Capability

Prototype snake in action. Bottom pictures show snake's operator.

Bad news all around for the enemy: Israel develops intel-collecting snake; a new Israel-made tank shell stops in mid-air, kills anti-tank squads.

The Authority for Research and Development of Weapons in the Defense Ministry has developed a robot snake fitted with video and audio equipment that advances on the ground into enemy positions for intelligence collection. It can be used for special forces stealth operations, for crawling through Hamas tunnels or into Hizbullah bunkers. In addition, it could be used for locating survivors inside collapsed buildings after natural disasters or terror attacks.

The six-foot long snake can also be fitted with explosives and detonated inside enemy positions -- a capability dubbed as 'suicide.' The snake is currently in the prototype stage of development and has no price tag yet, but the Defense Ministry plans to begin production on a large scale soon.

According to a report on Channel 2, the snake can crawl into enemy positions through sewage pipes, under buildings and through forests. It is operated by one person with a laptop computer.