Friday, August 26, 2011

Broward religious communities to host Israel Summit

Prominent politicians and religous leaders are expected to attend the Israel Summit on Sunday — an event jointly hosted by the Christian and Jewish communities of Broward County.

The Jewish and Christian communities of Broward County will join forces Sunday evening to host the first South Florida Summit for Israel.

Politicians and religious leaders are expected to discuss how the two religious communities can collaborate in their support for Israel in an auditorium-styled event open to the public at Nova Southeastern University.

South Florida Congressmen Mario Diaz-Balart and Ted Deutch and Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz will talk about the importance of the United States’ relationship with the Middle East country. The deputy foreign minister of Israel, Daniel Ayalon, will also be in attendance.

“They are coming to express their personal support of Israel, their opposition to the campaign to de-legitimize Israel, and to add their voices to the longstanding historical friendship between the United States and Israel,” said Eric Stillman, president and CEO of the Jewish Federation of Broward County.

Stillman says the summit comes at a critical time as both misinformation and misperceptions about Israel are becoming increasingly common.

“I believe that Israel is under attack, and not just from conventional warfare,” Stillman said. “The political attacks that are occurring are meant to destroy the legitimacy of Israel’s right to exist and to prevent Israel from being able to defend its own citizens and own border.”

The collaborative event is also intended to show that the well-being of Israel is not just a Jewish issue, but an issue that concerns everyone.

“[The Summit] is a monumental and unique summit in bringing the Jewish and Christian leaders and communities together to stand against the global move to delegitimize the Nation of Israel through political and legal means,” Mario Bramnick, president of the Broward Pastor’s Network, wrote in a news

Summit for Israel

Where: Don Taft University Center at Nova Southeastern University, 3301 College Ave., Davie.

When: 7 p.m. Sunday; doors open at 6 p.m.

Admission: Free, but parking will cost $5.