Monday, August 15, 2011

‘Bravo, IDF’ Elderly Tell Soldier-Musicians

New York-born violinist Ori Wissner-Levy helps the IDF spread cheer as part of a special project for musicians who serve in the army.

New York-born violinist Staff Sergeant Ori Wissner-Levy helps the IDF spread cheer as part of a special project for musicians who serve in the armed forces.

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The talented violinist immigrated to Israel with his family at the age of 8. “The army granted me permission to study violin during my army service,” he says. “We get to fulfill our dream to perform abroad and in Israel and to contribute to the army and the State of Israel.:

Wissner-Levy, guitarist Tal Yahalom and saxophonist Staff Sgt. Amit Dubester play for the elderly in hospitals and at schools.