Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Attracting tourists to Judea and Samaria

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A non-profit organization formed by settlers plans to offer the Israeli public subsidized tours of Judea and Samaria.

The organization called MIshkefet, has invested $2 million in the project which is aimed at secular Israelis who do not visit the settlements.

The tours will offer visits to historical and national Jewish heritage sites, farms and agricultural projects in the settlements.

"The biggest enemy of settlement, and in large of Israeli society is ignorance. Noone arrives in Judea and Samaria, and sees the settlements that are blossoming there, and remains indifferent, "Yossi Dagan one of the co-founders of Mishkefet said.

The organization hopes the tours will attract half a million visitors who will pay a fee of approximately $13.4 to participate with the rest being subsidized by donations to the organization.

"We say let's get to know each other, regardless of political opinions, and definitely before you decide on your point of view, come and take a look with your own eyes. Because the land of Israel is waiting for us to get to know her," Cohen said.