Saturday, July 23, 2011

Israeli students shine at international math competition

The Israeli team displaying their medals at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Amsterdam on Saturday July 23, 2011.

Israeli whiz kids walk away from competition with 1 gold, 4 bronze medals, as Israel reaches 23rd spot out of 101 teams.

After a several-year slump, Israel has reached the 23rd spot out of 101 teams at the International Mathematical Olympiad in Amsterdam.

Last year, Israel only managed to take 53rd out of 96, despite reaching the 11th spot as recently as 2000.

Team members this year won one gold and four bronze medals. Rom Dudkovitz of Blich High School in Ramat Gan claimed the gold medal, while the four bronze medals went to Guy Raveh of Leo Beck School in Haifa, Yoav Krauss of Katzir High School in Holon, Tom Ferster of Ostrovosky High School in Ra'anana, and Konstantin Zbarny of the Fifth Municipal High School in Haifa.

The students trained for the competition in partnership with the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot.

This year, 564 students from around the world attended the international math competition. The event ended with 54 gold medalists, 90 silver medalists and 137 bronze medalists.

The Chinese team won first place, as it has in every International Mathematical Olympiad event since the late 1980s. Second place went to America, followed by Singapore. Russia took fourth place, Thailand came in fifth, followed by Turkey and North Korea in the sixth and seventh spots. Iran won 10th place at the competition.

Education Minister Gideon Sa'ar congratulated Israel's team leader and coach Lev Radislavsky. Since first taking part in the games, Israel has had 11 gold medalists, 33 silver medalists and 81 bronze medalists.