Monday, July 11, 2011

Glenn Beck Talks Legitimacy with Israel's Parliament

Conservative commentator and former Fox News host Glenn Beck addressed the Israeli Parliament Monday, advising leaders on how to counter attacks on Israel's legitimacy and expressing his support of the country.

Beck has organized a rally in Jerusalem in August called "Restoring Courage."

"It's not for courage here in Israel. You've got plenty," Beck said to a packed committee room.

The well-known pundit has been outspoken in his support for Israel.

He told the committee the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at its root is about the destruction of Israel and the West. Beck warned of what he feels is a new wave of worldwide anti-semitism.

"In America, the media is skewed on Israel," Beck said. "The Israeli Palestinian conflict... is about the destruction of Israel and the end of the western way of life. Period."

Following Beck's speech, the Israeli Knesset approved a controversial bill that outlaws calls for boycotts of Israel and its construction in the West Bank

Beck sat down with CBN News for an exclusive interview after addressing Israeli leaders.

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Also, watch Glenn Beck's comments to the Israeli Parliament below.

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