Monday, July 18, 2011

Flawless Airline Security on Israeli Planes

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El Al Airlines in Israel has had a 100% success rating on its airline security for more than three decades: No hijackings, no bombings, no failed attempts aboard a flight.

And they have accomplished this spotless record WITHOUT invasive security measures. You don't even have to take your shoes off. You can even take on any liquids you want.

El Al Does It Right, Air Marshals on US Flights From Nigeria

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From Beijing to Israel....Security Check!

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Dan Redford from Shanghai EXPosed is taking a two week junket through Israel via a program called "Once in A Lifetime." Dan will be blogging along with 3 other young bloggers from Beijing, London, and New Jersey to talk about what life is like in Israel.

In this blog, Dan describes the crazyness of the security check as he got on the plane to get from Beijing to Jerusalem.

You can catch Dan's adventures in Jerusalem on and on, as well as