Friday, July 22, 2011

Brazil's Gilberto Gil to perform again in Israel

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Months after famous Brazilian singer and composer Gilberto Gil performed in Israel he announced plans to return for a second time and is scheduled to perform in Ranaana on July 24 with his six piece electric band in an evening dubbed "Gilberto Gil For All."

Gil whose music career spans more than four decades, has released over 30 albums turning him into a legend worldwide.

In the past he played with an array of artists in England including Bob Marley, Jimmy Cliff, Yes and Pink Floyd to name a few.

Describing Israeli audiences as cheerful, Gil said he plans to play in the upcoming event songs in different styles including material from other Brazilian composers. He told reporters there are many similarities between Brazilian music and the music he has heard during visits to Israel and believes it contributes to the enthusiasm of the Israeli audience.