Sunday, July 24, 2011

Arts and Crafts Help Overcome Terror Trauma

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Terror attacks result in deaths, and while those who have died cannot be brought back, their relatives who have been left behind often suffer physical and emotional trauma. It is those people whom Natal tries to help, and it does so by providing services such as a telephone hotline, psychological assistance by professionals, a social club, and assistance to discharged combat soldiers who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Claudine Timsit, who lost her husband in a terror attack at the Megiddo junction, became ill and disabled after the attack, which resulted in her having to use a wheelchair. Natal helped her get back on her feet.

“Natal gave me the power to stand back on my feet,” she said. “They were with me almost 24 hours a day. It was my second home.

“I feel here like I’m part of a family,” she continued. “Like I have another family with whom to speak and with whom to be.”

Yvonne Enidzer lost her son in a terror attack in Tel Aviv’s Central Bus Station. He was seriously wounded and lay in a hospital for a month before finally succumbing to his wounds. Like Claudine, Yvonne also came to Natal for help.

“When the attack happened, I suffered from physical trauma, and I wouldn’t get out of bed, not even to shower,” she said. “Today I have what to get up for. I come here and I have fun. I don’t know what to tell you. I come wearing jewelry that I haven’t worn for years. I do my hair, things I haven’t done since the terror attack. The house has become colorful and lit up with all my artistic creations. People who come to my house don’t want to leave.”

Yvonne added that most times there is no talk about the trauma.

“There are some days, when it’s closer to yahrzeits (anniversary of a death) and such that we bring up the subject” she said. “When we hear about terror attacks, it takes us back to our own trauma. But in general we have fun here and we try to be friends and everyone is one big family.”

“Today I’m back to my normal self,” said Claudine. “I have greater self-confidence, I create, I have friends here and I know that I have a place to go to. I get up in the morning, I get dressed, I’m not alone. I have Natal, I have my friends, and I go on with life.”

“I feel like I’ve been reborn,” concluded Yvonne.