Tuesday, June 28, 2011

‘MK’ Glenn Beck to Address Knesset

Glenn Beck, who is planning a "Restore Courage" rally in Jerusalem this summer, will also tell the Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs Committee his thoughts about fighting the anti-Zionist campaign to make Israel seem illegitimate.

Knesset Member Danny Danon, chairman of the committee, explained that Beck’s talents can help Israel counter the “delegitimization” campaign.

Beck, a devout Christian, is a vociferous supporter of Israel and is also regarded as having evangelical motives. He is leaving Fox News following a drop in his ratings, possibly a reaction to conspiracy theories and extreme statements against U.S. President Barack Obama, whom he has called a “socialist.”

His emotional outpouring for Israel also has been accompanied by remarks against left-wing Jews which some found offensive. Last November, Beck broadcast a two-part series that included accusations that left-wing Jewish billionaire George Soros, a supporter of J Street and President Obama, had helped round up Jews for the Nazis and had reaped financial gains by being behind the fall of several governments.

He also compared Reform Jewish leaders who supported Soros with Muslim clerics, a remark for which he apologized.

Although he will not host a regular program on Fox News, his production company is working with Fox on projects for television.

The planned rally later this month follows by one year a wildly successful “Restore Honor” rally in Washington. Announcing the Jerusalem rally on his television show earlier this year, Beck said, “It is time for us to courageously stand with Israel."

Beck acknowledged that organizing security and logistics for the August event would be challenging. “The very gates of hell will open up against us,” he said on his program.

Referring to international diplomatic efforts to handle the Arab world’s anti-Israel views and actions and Western diplomatic efforts too, Beck said, “The only power broker, the only seat of government that can and will solve this problem with or without us is G-d. It is time to return inside the walls that surround Jerusalem and stand with people of all faiths, all around the world.”

Earlier in the year, Beck visited the Temple Mount and said, “The Temple Mount almost pulsated. I could feel it.”
