Monday, March 7, 2011

Sharp increase Druze soldiers enlist in medical corps

A study conducted by Israel Defense Forces reveal a sharp increase in the number of Druze soldiers who enlist in the Medical Corps.

Moreover, the data show that a record number of young Druze men and women who are taking part in the IDF's "Atuda" program, which allows them to complete their studies before enlisting in the military, will become doctors in the next few years.

"They understand that this is a way for them to bridge the gaps, to contribute to the army and change the reality in their towns," said Col. Ahmed Ramiz, who heads the minority population directorate in the IDF's Human Resources branch.

The rate of IDF enlistment within the Druze population has always been high - 84%, as opposed to the 74% within the general population. The new data show that, while Druze soldiers make up only 1.6% of the force, they make up 16% of the IDF's combat medics.