Wednesday, March 2, 2011

NBN Go To Israel Soldier Aliyah Program

NBN Go To Israel Soldier Aliyah Program

Nefesh B’Nefesh

Nefesh B’Nefesh provides Olim with financial assistance, employment resources, assistance with governmental absorption, and community-based guidance and support, in order to make each individual’s Aliyah as successful as possible. Below is a brief description of the services that are available.

Financial Assistance
The financial cost involved in coming to Israel on a pilot trip, securing a home, and buying and shipping household furnishings -- as well as the prospect of lost income during the initial post-Aliyah period -- can be discouraging. Often, it takes a young family several years to earn and save the necessary funds that are required for the move, and by the time the requisite amount is saved, the children are at an age that makes a move difficult socially, linguistically and educationally.

To obviate the fiscal obstacles, Nefesh B'Nefesh provides significant financial assistance to eligible Aliyah candidates. All financial assistance is vested after a three year period. Any Aliyah candidate who emigrates from Israel within the designated three year period is obligated to return the financial grant to Nefesh B'Nefesh.

Pre-Aliyah Guidance and Support
Nefesh B’Nefesh provides guidance through all stages of the Aliyah process. Individuals who are at the initial stages of Aliyah planning can contact us with questions about applications, education and community options, assistance in planning pilot trips, information about Israeli citizenship and queries regarding Nefesh B’Nefesh grants and Aliyah flights. In addition, staff members are regularly available for personal consultations in dozens of communities throughout the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Our call center is available during regular North American and U.K. business hours and maintains toll free phone numbers, providing maximal convenience for anyone with questions about Aliyah.

Post-Aliyah Assistance
Nefesh B’Nefesh provides Olim with support in navigating the challenges that they may encounter as new immigrants. Our Department of Absorption and Integration offers a range of services, including a buddy program and seminars, in communities all over Israel, and conducts one-on-one consultations both before and after making Aliyah. Staff members reach out to Olim throughout the first year of Aliyah (and beyond), with the goal of helping each individual integrate smoothly and successfully into Israeli society.

Group & Charter Aliyah Flights and Expedited Processing
For most Nefesh B’Nefesh Olim, the highlight of the Aliyah process is our charter flight, a specially commissioned EL AL flight in which the entire plane is reserved for Olim. For those who can’t join a flight, Olim also have the option of joining our group flights, which are regularly scheduled EL AL flights that have a reserved block of seats for Olim.

Making Aliyah together with hundreds of fellow Olim not only provides an inspiring and emotional experience, but also facilitates more efficient government processing. In cooperation with the Ministries of the Interior and Immigrant Absorption, Nefesh B’Nefesh developed software to help streamline the Aliyah process on board the Aliyah flights via the use of PC tablets.

Employment is a key consideration for most individuals who make Aliyah. The Nefesh B’Nefesh Employment Department provides Olim with assistance with the job hunt, offering information about retraining, business coaching, and matching Olim with professional mentors after arrival in Israel. The employment staff conducts seminars for job seekers and is also available for personal consultations.

Government Advocacy
New Olim are entitled to a broad range of government-sponsored Zechuyot, or financial benefits, upon their arrival in Israel. Individuals who have questions about benefits or need guidance with any other element of government absorption can contact our Government Advocacy Department for assistance.

NBN Events and Special Projects
Nefesh B’Nefesh offers a wide range of workshops, seminars and events throughout the year. The NBN Events Calendar contains over 100 informational and social events that run the gamut from employment seminars, integration workshops, tiyulim (hikes), singles events, “couples nights out” and more. Events take place in Israel, the U.S., Canada and the U.K., in addition to the online Webinars that are available from the comfort of your own home.