Tuesday, February 15, 2011

TNL in Florida - Honoring the Defenders of Israel

Watch this week's edition of Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem Across America. On this show, recorded in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Ari and Jeremy host a number of inspiring and interesting guests: the Deputy Consul General of Israel in the area lightens the mood, ZOA’s Mort Klein shares some perspective, Helen Freedman of AFSI with a touch of unyielding determination, enthusiastic radio personality Joyce Kaufman, and Miami Gardens City Councilman Andre Williams.

The show honors Klein, Kaufman and Freedman with special certificates of gratitude for their activity for the sake of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

TNL in America - Honoring Florida's Defenders of Israel

Previous episode - TNL in Florida:
Florida Salutes Israel

Previous episodes - TNL in Texas:
From Jerusalem With Love
Strength and Support from Prominent Congressmen
Serving the Sate of Israel in Texas