Saturday, February 12, 2011

Shalom friends and valued supporters –

Since its launch “Israel - Light onto Nations” eblog/news reel has had over 6000 visits. In January 2011 alone the site was visited an astonishing 3000+ times.

Golda Meir said it best - “I never did anything alone. Whatever was accomplished in this country was accomplished collectively.” And I strongly believe those words – without you, there would be no blog about the marvelously country we call Israel. As we have read and seen from the numerous posts below Israel truly is a light onto nations.

Two years ago, after seeing frequent boycotts, divestments and a terrible portrayal of Israel in media with frequent biased depictions - forced me to take up this cause. The one country which has done so much for us was dragged through the dirt and treated with a triple standard. But no longer – with every click, every article read and shared we spread the good that is Israel and the Israeli people. Regardless if the Israeli people are Jewish, Muslim, Christian from a different background or have different religious beliefs those who support peace, love and assist the country to flourish will be posted about.

I was speaking to an acquaintance of mine, and we have decided to take on a new initiative. Once this eblog/news reel reaches 500+ readers per day, we will develop a domain and establish a full website to “Israel - Light onto Nations” I ask for your support in this new exciting project. Please spread the URL (website link), send the link of “Israel - Light onto Nations” to friends, family, and anyone else who may be interested in the content.

"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too."

Kathy Ireland "There's no place on earth like Israel"