Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Joint Combat Demonstration Simulates Urban Warfare

In a live interoperability drill in southern Israel, IDF infantry, artillery, tank and air forces simulated taking control of an enemy village.

As part of the event, following the demonstration, an honorary guard was held for Lt. Gen. Ashkenazi. Upon conclusion of the visit, soldiers and commanders of the Ground Forces Command bid farewell to the chief of the General Staff by exhibiting a special exercise, combining all aspects of the ground forces.

The Chief of the General staff and the Commander of the Ground Forces spoke at the end of the demonstration. The IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, remarked, "There is relative calm along the borders, but the reality may change. It's enough to look at what is happening in Egypt to realize this."

For more information: http://idfspokesperson.com/2011/02/01/idf-joint-combat-demonstration-concludes/

For photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/idfonline/sets/72157625829850869/with/5407023529/