Saturday, February 12, 2011

Israeli authors receive top U.S. book critic award

Israeli authors David Grossman and Tom Segev have been named finalists for the prestigious 2010 National Book Critics Circle awards scheduled to take place on March 10. Grossman's "To the End of the Land," translated into English by Jessica Cohen, was one of five fiction finalists and one of two translated works in the fiction category, the Book Critics Circle announced earlier this month.

Grossman's latest book, about an Israeli mother who hikes in the Galilee rather than wait at home to hear potentially bad news about the fate of her soldier son.

Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, who died in September of 2005, is the subject of one of the five finalists in the biography category - a book by Tom Segev, a historian and Haaretz columnist, entitled "Simon Wiesenthal: The Lives And Legends" and translated by Ronnie Hope.