Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A First for Gush Etzion: Arab Bus Driver

A story of equal opportunity and non-racism has come out of Gush Etzion.

Residents of the region who recently traveled on a bus operated by the Gush Etzion Development Company for Egged, discovered that a new driver has been hired and that he is an Arab.

The residents noted in a conversation with Arutz Sheva’s Hebrew website that this is the first time that they had encountered an Arab driver on one of the buses belonging to the development company.

The Gush Etzion Development Corporation confirmed in response that “the company recently added to its ranks an Arab-Israeli driver on the public transportation service it operates for Egged.”

The company added that “Israeli Arabs are citizens of Israel and are entitled to work anywhere by law. The company does not discriminate against anyone, and employs the ranks of men, women, Orthodox and secular, Jews, and now an Arab-Israeli.”
