Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Suspect in Bosnian genocide detained in Israel

Alexander Zvtkovic is suspected of involvement in the 1995 "Srebrenica massacre" during which Muslims were murdered in eastern Bosnia.

The International Investigations Unit arrested on Tuesday, Alexander Zvtkovic, suspected of involvement in the 1995 genocide in Bosnia.

Immediately following his arrest the International Affairs Department of the State Prosecutor's Office filed a petition to the Jerusalem District Court for extradition to Bosnia-Herzegovina where he is sought for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. The prosecution also requested to keep him detained until a ruling on the extradition process is made.

Zvtkovic is accused of participating in the Srebrenica massacre during which Muslims were murdered in eastern Bosnia. According to the investigative material, Zvtkovic is accused of taking an active part in the massacre and was among eight soldiers used in the firing squad.

On August 29, 2010 the State Prosecutor's Office received a request from the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina to extradite Zvtkovic for participation in the genocide. After careful scrutiny of the material and upon receiving clarifications from the authorities in Bosnia-Herzegovina for the past two months, the justice minister decided to open extradition proceedings in this case.

Zvtkovic, born in 1968, immigrated to Israel with his wife and children in 2006, and reportedly received Israeli citizenship by virtue of being married to a Jewish woman who immigrated to Israel.