Thursday, January 13, 2011

Operation Carmel Renewal: From Black to Israel Green

Operation Carmel Renewal: From Black to Israel Green

On December 2, 2010, the worst fire in Israel's history broke out in the Carmel Mountains near Haifa.

Losses were devastating. Forty-four people died, homes were lost and more than 12,500 acres of forests destroyed. JNF foresters estimate that over 5 million trees were burned. After four days of continuous fighting, the Israeli firefighters succeeded in dousing the flames, but the road to recovery has only begun.

JNF is working with the Minister of the Environment on a plan to rehabilitate the region. As the U.S. fundraising arm of the Friends of Israel Firefighters, we will continue to raise funds to purchase firetrucks as well as replenish damaged protective gear and depleted firefighting supplies.

What can I do?

1) Help JNF cultivate and rejuvenate the forests until they are restored to their original beauty.

2) Provide firefighters with much-needed equipment and replace supplies that were depleted during the fight.

3) Create your own firefighting equipment fundraising page for your group or synagogue.

4) Create your own forest renewal fundraising page for your group or synagogue.

Listen to Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu on a conference call with JNF.