Saturday, December 11, 2010

Israel sending aid shipment to Colombian flood victims

El Al aircraft to depart Israel on Sunday with 50 tons of rescue equipment bound for flood-stricken nation of Colombia.

A plane carrying aid supplies will take off from Israel on Sunday morning bound for the flood-stricken nation of Colombia.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak coordinated the aid delivery with Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.

The El Al aircraft, leased by the Israeli government, will carry 50 tons of rescue equipment to aid the victims of mudslides caused by the flooding in Colombia. The Israeli shipment will include materials to provide shelter to people who lost their homes.

El Al CEO Eliezer Shakedi said the aid plane would depart Ben-Gurion Airport early Sunday morning and arrive in Bogota in the evening.

Dozens of people of been killed and thousands have fled their homes due to mudslides that struck earlier this week in Colombia and Venezuela. The mudslides were caused by a particularly wet rainy season.