Saturday, December 4, 2010

IDF Soldiers Safeguard Palestinians During Olive Harvest Season

The IDF in coordination with the Civil Administration and the Israeli Police have prepared for the annual olive harvest in the West Bank region. The harvest began in early October and is expected to last through December.

Seen here are soldiers from the "Kfir" Brigade guarding the Palestinians during near the Itamar Community. The soldiers are there to maintain order and ensure the Palestinians have a safe and successful harvest.

As part of the preparations, Civil Administration officials met with their Palestinian counterparts, representatives from various villages in the region, and Palestinian olive oil manufacturers in order to coordinate the schedule for this harvest. In addition, Israeli security forces conducted security assessments and authorized the plan for the harvest, during which they provide round-the-clock security.

The IDF and the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) respect this mission with high importance and value, understand the cultural and economic significance of the olive harvest to the Palestinian people of the region, and will operate accordingly so as to allow for the harvest to occur.