Thursday, May 6, 2010

Rafael Trophy - Active defence system developed in Israel

Product Name:ASPRO-A (Trophy)
Title:Active Protection System for AFVs

The ASPRO-A (Trophy) active protection system system rapidly detects and tracks any anti-tank threat, classifies it, estimates the optimal intercept point in space and finally neutralizes it away from the platform using a countermeasure.

The threat detection and warning subsystem consists of several sensors, including search radar with four flat-panel antennas, located around the protected vehicle, to provide full hemispherical coverage. The neutralization process will take place only if the threat is about to hit the platform.

System's Features:
* Neutralization of all known Anti-Tank-Rockets (ATRs), Anti-Tank-Missiles (ATGMs)
* Full performance on AFV in motion
* Full performance against short range threats
* Full performance in close and urban terrain
* Full performance under all weather conditions
* Engagement of several threats from each direction, arriving simultaneously
* Reduced vehicle weight
* Easy integration on to light as well as heavy platforms