Friday, May 28, 2010

Israel NEWTech

Israel NEWTech is a national government program promoting the water technology renewable energy sectors in Israel. After decades of experience coping with water scarcity and many years working in the field of renewable energy, today Israel is in a unique position to be a world leader in a cleaner age of water management and energy efficiency.

In 2006, NEWTech launched its first initiative focused on the Israeli water technologies industry. The program promotes Israel's water technologies in the local and global markets by supporting R&D, participating in water related events and creating marketing tools for the benefit of the entire sector. The government has invested heavily in the program and allocated substantial resources towards strengthening the foundation of Israel's water tech cluster.

In 2008, recognizing the success of the water program and the strategic importance of alternative energy technologies, NEWTech launched a second initiative focused on the renewable energy sector. This program encourages Israeli companies and individuals to enter the field of renewable energy, invest in R&D, and establish connections with potential partners overseas. The objective of the program is to promote Israel's renewable energy technologies in the local and global markets.

Israel NEWTech is led by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Labor in cooperation with more then ten government ministries and agencies. This wide partnership shares the goal of supporting and promoting the Israeli water and renewable energy sectors.